IRC and SERVICES Commands

  • How to connect IRC server over mIRC?

    You can connect to trsohbet irc network by using the command we share at the top once you run mIRC and type and confirm information such as your nickname, real name, and ident.

  • Prevent receiving a private messagei from a specific nickname or everyone

    /ignore rumuz ve /silence +
    If we need to explain one by one, while the first command allows you to prevent receiving a private message from a specific nickname, the second command allows you to prevent receiving a private message from all users.

  • Leaving your current rooms

    /part #kanaladı
    You can leave the room (channel) you type by using the X command. As an alternative, you can also use the close button placed on the right block of the top of the channel name by right clicking on it with your mouse while you are using whether mirc or the web chat application.

  • Learning whether you experience lag or not during the chat

    /ping rumuzunuz
    You can use this command in order to learn how long time passes to receive a response from that server in case you have a poor internet connection or there is any problem in the data flow on irc network. The delay will appear in seconds.

  • See the list of active channels on the server

    You can list and see the channels which are actively used (there must be a minimum of one user) with the X command in the form of name and numbers of users using the channel.

  • Learn the total number of connected users

    /map ve /lusers
    The first command is closed to the use of users on some servers due to the security, however, each link connected to the server shows the name and numbers of users using the channel one by one. The second command provides a number of users both local and global. The difference from the first command is, it lists only the server you are connected and total values of the connected servers as local and global. It does not show the connected server names and numbers related to them.

  • Nickname registration (REGISTER)

    /msg nickserv register şifreniz e-posta
    By using the command you can allow the registration of the nickname you choose to services. Be sure to type a valid e-mail since this e-mail will be used to send your password to you in case you will forget it in the future.

  • Nickname identification (IDENTIFY)

    /msg nickserv identify şifreniz
    You can identify the password of the nickname which you saved by typing it and confirm that you own it.

  • Dropping nickname (DROP)

    /msg nickserv drop şifreniz
    It is used to drop a registered nickname. Keep in mind that someone else can register this nickname when you do this.

  • Viewing nickname registration info (INFO)

    /msg nickserv info rumuz
    It allows you to view information such as personal details (age, zodiac, location) which are only allowed by the registered nickname holder on INFO section. You can't see these details in case this info is restricted by the owner.

  • Setting the nickname password (SET PASSWORD)

    /msg nickserv set password yenişifre
    You can change your current password with this command. You need to identify your nickname with your new password after this process.

  • Time limitation for identifying process (KILL)

    /msg nickserv set kill on/off (aktif etmek veya devre dışı bırakmak için)
    When this command is used, the connection of the nickname will be terminated in case no any password will be typed in 60 seconds and the change of the nickname will be ensured automatically.

  • Disconnecting the ghost nickname (GHOST)

    /msg nickserv ghost rumuz şifreniz
    You have not set the time limit for password authentication with the KILL function we mentioned earlier and someone else connected to chat with your registered nickname. Or you lost your internet connection and your nickname became a ghost, you can disconnect your nickname by applying this command in such cases and then you can switch to your nickname by typing /nick + your nickname.

  • Creating channel lists to log in automatically (AJOIN)

    /msg nickserv ajoin add #kanal
    It allows you to log in automatically to previously determined channels when you identify the password of your nickname with this command, thus, you will not have to log in to channels each time you log in to our systems. You can use the del command instead of add in order to remove a channel from ajoin list. Again, it will be enough to delete the channel name within the ajoin list and type LIST to the blank where add is written. (/nickserv ajoin list)

  • Changing nickname password (SET PASSWORD)

    /msg nickserv set password yenişifreniz
    This command allows you to change the password of your nickname.

  • Changing registered e-mail for a nickname (SET EMAIL)

    /msg nickserv set email yenimail
    You can change your registered e-mail for your nickname with this command. Please keep in mind that the password reminder will be sent to your e-mail in case you will forget your password.

  • Hiding INFO information for a nickname (PRIVATE)

    /msg nickserv set private on/off (açma veya kapama)
    You can prevent other users to see information related with your nickname with this command. Your information will be hidden in case you will choose the ON option.

  • Switching to Oper mode

    /oper rumuz şifre
    You can switch to admin mode with this command. This is different than regular nickname passwords and they are passwords assigned for the admins.

  • Switching from the Oper mode

    /mode rumuz -o
    You will shut down the admin mode which you activated above and switch to the user level.

  • Forcing another user to join the channel

    /sajoin #rumuz #kanaladı
    You can force the specified nickname to join a channel by using this command whether that user is a regular user or admin.

  • Temporarily removing another user from the server

    /kill rumuz sebep
    This command allows you to temporarily disconnect the connection of the specified nickname from servers directly. The user has the possibility to re-enter.

  • Permanently removing another user from the server

    /gline *@ipadresi sebep
    This command allows you to permanently disconnect the connection of the specified user which the IP address will be typed from servers directly. The user can't log into the server unless the process is disabled or IP address changed.

  • Sending announcement message to all servers

    /msg operserv global duyuru-mesajı
    It broadcasts an announcement message once in a way that the connected users can see.

  • Adding permanent greeting/announcement message

    /msg operserv logonnews add duyuru-mesajınız
    It is the permanent announcement message that users who connect to the server can see and it will be visible on each connection unless it will not be deleted.

  • Restarting the services (RESTART)

    /msg operserv restart
    It allows you to restart the services, the restart process will begin in seconds as soon as the application of the command.

  • Updating the databases (UPDATE)

    /msg operserv update
    In case there was an instant restart need for the services, you can update the service databases by using this command with the purpose of saving the recent activities to .db files.

  • Changing the nickname of a user (RAW SVSNICK)

    /msg operserv raw svsnick rumuz yeni-rumuz 0:0
    If you have this access, you can change the username of any user as you want.

  • Sending a note for a nickname

    /msg memoserv send nick notunuz
    It allows you to leave a note for the selected nickname. The user can see this note later although the user is not online at that moment.

  • Reading a received note

    /msg memoserv read not-numarası
    It shows the note for the specified number.

  • Reading the recently sent note

    /msg memoserv read last
    This command allows you to read the recent note which is sent by you or someone else.

  • Deleting the received notes

    /msg memoserv del not-numarası
    It deletes the note for the specified number. In case you will type numbers such as 1-5 instead of typing a single number, it deletes the notes belonging to numbers between 1 and 5 including the numbers itself.

  • Listing the notes

    /msg memoserv list
    It lists all the received notes.

  • Adjusting the note order

    /msg memoserv set limit sayı
    It determines the limits to receive notes in line with the specified number.